Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/21

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early settlers in "Walton—Account of a duel fought in Walton — Early settlements and settlers at Deposit, Chehocton, and in the Western part of the country—Dickinson's City—Hunting stories — Indians who remained after the war—Old Abraham—^Oanope, Ben Shanks and Haycou—Tragical murder of the former and latter.

Adventufes and final settlement of Timothy Beach in Sidney—Eeminiscences of John Wickham, an early settler of Harpersfield—Names of early settlers—Privations to which they were subjected—Adventure of James Gordon with a bear, while crossing the Charlotte Eiver—First Church in Harpersfield—Manner of its erection — Church-raising—Whipping-posts and stocks erected in Harpersfield — Other whipping-posts in the county—How Harper caught his wife—^Persons punished by this ordeal—First settled minister in Harpersfield—Maple-sugar-making—Scotchman's idea of making maple-sugar—Information derived from Stephen Halt of Stamford — Settlements made in 1789—Information derived from David Squires—Discovery of and first settlement in Roxbury—Interesting information in relation to—Anecdotes—Information derived principally from Cyrus Burr—^Early settelements in Middletown and Andes—Hall's adventure with Mr. Earl—His discovery that he had neighbors—Catamount-killing in Andes.
Increase of population in the interior of the State—Necessary alterations of the civil divisions from time to time—Erection of Otsego in 1792—^Petition for the erection of a new county in lt96—New county erected in 1*797—Called Delaware—Number of towns at the erection of the county—Enumeration of the other towns in the order of their erection—^Names of the first supervisors—First representatives to the assembly—First court held in the county — First judges—^First sheriff— Court-house and jail erected—Murder of Cameron and McGilfry—Arrest of the murderer—Escape of the prisoner from jail—Re-arrested on Cabin-hill—Tried and found guilty—Sentenced to be hung—Execution a public one—Description by an eye-witness of the execution—Execution of Foster in