Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/211

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 187 cause it might proceed. But presently a small batteau made its appearance, owned and manned by a man named Herrick, who had been down the river on an exploring tour. Here they all encamped for the night, and in the morning an ex- change was made of one of Mr. Beach's horses for Herrick's boat and provisions, Herrick paying the difference. In this boat, himself and son glided swiftly down the stream, while the guide, mounted upon the remaining horse, kept pace along the shore. The second day after their encampment at Bainbridge, the guide proved treacherous, not meeting him according to agree- ment. This circumstance, and a singular dream in which his father appeared to him two nights in succession, saying to him in an earnest and impressive manner, " Timothy, go back, go hack!" induced him to give over the project of settling at Oquago, and locate farther up the river. He accordingly commenced setting his skiff up the river with a pole, on his return towards the ferry. The second day had nearly worn away in toiling up the rapid stream, when all at once the guide presented himself upon the bank of the stream, and uttered a loud and horrid yell, which reverberated up and down the shores of the river with the most dismal echoes; but no Indians appeared with him. It was desirable, however, to ascertain if he had seen any during his absence, but to all of their inquiries the wily Indian gave surly and evasive answers. The truth now flashed upon the mind of Mr. Beach, that his life was pre- meditated, which was confirmed by questioning his son, of whom the Indian had learned that his father had a large sum of money in his possession. The Indian, at the request of Mr. Beach, now hitched his horse to a tree, and came to assist in pulling the batteau up a steep rift, and when in the most rapid part, while struggling hard against the current, the Indian gave a loud whoop, which Beach knew to be a signal of some kind, according to the cus-