Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/217

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 193 life^ and at times when a little corn could be procured^ which was pounded fine in a mortar and made into Johnny Cahe,^' it furnisiied a luxurious repast. Scholiarie miglit at that period with propriety be termed a Modern Egypt' ^ — the inhabitants raising large quantities of corn, and those who could possibly raise a few shillings, would go there, usually on foot, to procure a little of the precious commodity. Some of the more wealthy among the inhabitants usually fatted a pig for their year's supply of meat, and were frequently called upon to mourn in consequence of a bear having entered the pen in the night and deprived them of meat for the ensu- ing year. Bears were very plenty, and when a neighbor shot or captured one, a general distribution of the meat was made, and many a rich repast have those hardy pioneers enjoyed at the expense of Old Bruin. Wild animals were numerous, as late as 1810, and were frequently driven by hunger to attack even men, and many incidents might be related of encounters, where it would be far more desirable to be a looker on than a participant. In the year 1810, as James Grordon was cross- ing the Charlotte river on a log which had fallen across the stream, and as he stepped on the log on one side of the river, a large bear came up on the other side and made towards him. ■ Grordon was an athletic man, and having an axe on his shoulder, . proposed to give battle — the two antagonists met about mid- way over the stream, when, with almost herculean strength, he aimed a blow at the monster, which the bear warded off by knocking the axe from his hand with his paw. A hand-to- hand contest now ensued, and they both went into the river together. Gordon barely escaped with his life, and not with- out becoming sensible of the amorous embraces of bruin, which cost him an arm and hand horribly mangled, crippling him for a long time. It was not till 1796 or 1797 that a church was erected in the town. It was built from contributions made by the inhabitants, 17