Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/235

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 211 Enos Parker, of Franklin, John Lamb, of Stamford, Roswell Hotchkiss, of Harpers field, Benajali Beardsley, of Kortright, Robert North, of Walton. Annexed is a list of the total personal and real ratable property in 1798, the basis of the first assessment made after the erection of the county : Walton, . . . $7,197 50 Middletown, . 6,366 50 Kortright, 15,399 54 Stamford, . 14,375 00 Colchester, . 14,803 75 Harpersfield, . 7,896 00 Delhi, .... 7,835 62 Franklin, . 11,169 84 $85,043 75 The first representatives to the Assembly were Nathaniel Wattles and William Horton. The first sheriff was Elias Butler. The first court was convened at the house of Gideon Frisbee, on Tuesday, the 3rd of October, following the erection of the county. Before proceeding to ordinary business, it was resolved that the seal of the court should be a '^stream of water issuing from a high mountain, round which shall be the words, ^ Seal of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Delaware,^ as emblematic of the surface and general features of the county. Patrick Lamb, William Horton and Gabriel North, were judges, assisted by Isaac Hardenburg and Alexander Leal. The names of the attorneys who were admitted and sworn, were Conrad E. Elmendorf, Philip Gebhard, Erastus Root, Anthony Marvine, Cornelius E. Yates, and David Phelps.