Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/266

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242 HISTORY OP CHAPTEK XL Anti-rent Difficulties — Early grants of land within the limits of the county — Hardenburgh paterit — Dispute in regard to the Western limits of the patent — Survey of the patent — Protest? of the Indians — Indian deed of the land between the branches of the Delaware to Johanus Hardenburgh — Bradt patent — Enumeration of the other patents in the order in which they were granted — Land monopoly — Early restrictions placed upon grants — How eluded — ^Views of the early legislatures — Recognition of the grants prior to the Revo- lution — Validity of the manorial titles — Leasehold system — Sys- tematic classification of deeds — Durable lease — Redemption lease — Three life lease — One and two life lease — Yearly lease — Seven year proviso — Claims of the tenants — History of the excitement — Grievances of the renters. In presenting to the public the history of the late anti-rent difficulties in the county, it shall be our aim, as it certainly is our duty, to narrate it truthfully, and if we err, judgment must be pronounced accordingly. We disclaim the intention of reviving in the minds of any, painful or unpleasant remin- iscences connected with the past, and so far as we can do so consistently, we shall avoid any immature conclusions, or hasty expressions, that will not extenuate our determination. Those scenes of excitement, those times that tried men's souls," are numbered among the things that were. The reign of dis- cord is broken, and terror-stricken he has flown to parts unknown, while the gentle zephyrs of union and harmony, of good feeling and brotherly love, have spread their benign influence over the thousand hills and valleys that mark the surface of old Delaware, and as of old, peace and prosperity, with their attendant bless- ings, are over all diff"used. With the view of presenting the whole case more fully to