Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/269

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 245 line to the head of Papagonck river, and thence down the east side of the said river Papagonck to a certain place called Shokakeen, where the Papagonck river falls in the Pish-kill, and then up the said Fish-kill, including the same, to the head thereof or the place of beginning, together with all the lands, hills and valleys, mines and minerals, whatsoever, contained within the bounds of the said tract of land, together with free fishing, fowling, hawking, hunting, and all other profits whatso- ever. To have and to hold the above said tract or parcel of land and premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, unto him the said J ohanus Harden- burgh, his heirs and assigns forever, and to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Johanus Hardenburgh, his heirs and assigns forever/' '^In witness whereof, we the said Indians, have put our marks and seals, this third day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-one." Signed by ^^SUPPAU, JAN PALLING," and twenty other Indian proprietors. Sealed and delivered in presence of ^' Evert Wynkoop, and ^'CpRNELIUS ElMENENDORF." The above deed was acknowledged on the third day of J uue, 1751, before A. G-aasbick Chambers, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Ulster county. The receipt for the conside- -ation expressed in the deed, is endorsed upon the back of the nstrument. The next grant was made to Arent Bradt and others, on the third of June, 1740. This grant was contained in four distinct parcels ; three of them lay upon the Susquehanna, or its branches in Otsego county, the other tract lay in Delaware, 21*