Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/277

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 263 other kinds mentioned. The insertion of the name of a child as one of the lessees, may prolong the leasehold estate through two generations, but can hardly extend it to a third. In most instances, they will but little exceed the duration of a single generation. Viewed in the most favorable light, they are marked by a great degree of uncertainty; an uncertainty, moreover, entirely independent of the parties to them, and one which the tenant cannot by the most prudent and careful watchfulness, obviate. In this respect, at least, they must prove themselves very objectionable. Nearly allied to this class are the one and two life leases , which we shall here consider, because they depend upon, and are characterized by the same uncertainty. The individual name of each of these varieties marks their differences. Each from its precariousness, would seem to be adopted with hesita- tion, and if adopted, to prevent the lessee from complaining at any event which might happen. The fourth and last kind is the yearly lease, the name of which gives its character. It runs only for a twelvemonth^ s time, and expires on a given day and date, neither party being bound on a future agreement, to adopt or follow the terms of a former one. Future rent or use must be arranged as the parties in interest can agree, each having the privilege of act- ing with perfect freedom. In the familiar instances of a yearly lease of a dwelling or a wareroom, the same principles are in- volved, and the same laws govern. To both, the lessor and lessee, they can neither be desirable nor beneficial ; to the one as furnishing a home and habitation for only a little while, and consequently weakening his desire to become a thrifty farmer, and deadening his ambition ; to the other other, as affording only a poor prospect of any valuable improvements, and increas- ing the chances of deterioration. Under leases belonging to some one of the above described classes, these lands, and many other tracts, have been held and 22