Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/291

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 267 eleventh of February, and in conformity with the third section of the above act, warued out a sufficient number of persons to co-operate with him in the performance of his duty. The party arrived at, and surrounded the house in the middle of the night, when the inmates were supposed to have been in the strong embrace of sleep. But contrary to the expectation of the officer of the law, their approach had been suspected. An entrance was forced, and after considerable search Squires was found concealed between the two ticks of the bed in which his wife and mother were sleeping, and taken into custody. The following extract from a letter dated Delhi, February 12, 1845, to the adjutant general, thus refers to the arrival of the party at that place the following day after the arrest. About 10 o'clock this morning our under sheriff brought to jail Daniel W. Squires, of the town of Roxbury, in this county. It was said that Squires was engaged in the tarring of Mr. Corbin last summer, and in forcibly taking the papers of Sheriff More at the same time. During the day, many of the citizens of this village have volunteered their services to aid the sheriff in the discharge of his duties, and have placed themselves under his command. A guard of twenty men was selected to defend the village and jail, inasmuch as many threats have been made, that if any ^ Indian' should be placed in our jail, he would not remain there twenty-four hours." The day following the same correspondent again writes : There has been considerable excitement to day amongst our quiet people, in consequence of Captain North's company of volunteers having received orders, from the sheriff of Delaware county, to repair immediately to Delhi, and hold themselves in readiness to obey orders. The order was read