Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/304

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280 HISTORY OP committee of five to draft resolutions, condemning the late outrage, and sympathizing with the widow and relatives of the deceased. A numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Andes, convened at the house of E. B. Hunting, on the six- teenth inst., for the purpose of taking into consideration the late events which have transpired in that town : the following gentlemen were selected as officers of the meeting; Cyrus Burr, president, Samuel McCabe, vice president, John Dick- son, secretary. The meeting was addressed by several gentlemen in strong and energetic language, denouncing the whole course of pro- ceedings in the late - anti-rent excitement — showing the unpo- litic course pursued to obtain redress for any grievances they may have, and depicting in glowing terms the consequences which must follow. The following persons were appointed to draft resolutions, expressive of the sense of the meeting, viz. M. T. Peake, H. Dowie, Jr., Ezra Waterbury, D. B. Shaver, and Luther Jack- son, including the president and secretary of the meeting. The committee after retiring reported the following pream- ble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : " Whereas, we, the inhabitants of the town of Andes, in consideration of the awful tragedy enacted in our town, result- ing in the death of our faithful public officer Osman N. Steele, who fell on the seventh inst., while endeavoring to sustain the laws against an infuriated mob unanimously : " Resolved, That we hold in horror and detestation those cowardly assassins who have stained our land with innocent blood, and brought a reproach upon our character, as lovers of law and order. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the widow and relatives of the deceased. " Resolved, That while we sympathize with the afflictions of r- " ■