Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/33

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 9 our lieirs and successors^ granted, bargained, sold, released and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm unto our said Sovereign Lord, King George the Third, all that Tract of Land situate in North America, at the Back of the British Settlements, bounded by a Line which we have now agreed upon and do hereby esta- blish, as the Boundary_^between us and the British Colonies in America, beginning at the mouth of Cherokee or Hogohege Kiver, where it empties into the Biver Ohio, and running from thence upwards along the South side of said Biver to Kittanning, which is above Fort Pitt, from thence by a direct line to the nearest Fork of the West Branch of Susquehanna, thence through the Allegany Mountains along the South side of the said West Branch, until it comes opposite to the mouth of a creek called Tiadaghton, thence across the West Branch along the South side of that Creek, and along the North side of Burnett's Hills to a creek called Awandse, thence down the same to the East Branch of the Susque- hanna, and across the same and up the East side of that Biver to Oswegy, from thence East to Delaware Biver, and up that Biver to opposite where Tianaderha falls into the Susque- hanna, thence to Tianaderha and up the West side of the West Branch to the head thereof, and thence by a direct line to Canada Creek, where it empties into the Wood Creek, at the West of the Carrying Place beyond Fort Stanwix, and extend- ing Eastward from every part of the said Line as far as the Lands formerly purchased, so as to comprehend the whole of the lands between the said Line and the purchased lands or settlements, except what is within the Province of Pennsyl- vania, together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or appertaining, in the fullest and most ample manner, and all the estate, right, title, interest, pro- perty, possession, benefit, claim and demand, either in law or equity, of each and every of us, of, in, or to the same, or any