Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/341

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 317 Murpliy returned to the fort with a weight of lead from his heart. He consulted confidentially with one of the officers, who • applauded his ^a^-lantry, and afterward gave permission to go ^^any distance/^ in pursuit "of a Domine. He accordingly went on the appointed evening in pursuit of his bride, and after a short time, she escaped through the window in her best petticoat and short-gown; and after she was seated behind him, they departed as rapidly as convenient for the fort, where they arrived about day-break. They were received by the garrison with three cheers which made the welkin ring. Mur- phy walked into the fort, escorting his prize, with as much pride as he would half a dozen captive Indians. The girls all kissed sweet Peggy, the women admired her courage, and the men all declared she would make a good soldier ! But time was not to be lost ; for already they might be pursued by the avaricious father. They soon departed, in company with a William Bouck and a lady, in pursuit of a minister. They arrived at Duanesburgh in the afternoon, where Domine John- l' son finished " That consummation devoutly to be wished." They then returned to the fort, when they were again cheered by the soldiers. The next day her father came to the fort, and with a long face inquired for his daughter; but finding he was "a day after the fair/' he adopted, like a man of sense, the motto that discretion is the better part of valor," and surrendered this best prize ever captured by man ! Making true what Virgil sang two thousand years ago : Omnia vincit amor ; et nos cedam^is amori. Or as Dryden freely translates it : In hell, and earth, and sea, and heaven above, Love conquers all, an all must yield to love." 27*