Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/381

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DELAWARE^COUNTY. 357 CHAPTER XVI. Obituary Notices — Captain Abraham Gould— Aaron Hull — Gabriel North — Rev. Stephen Fenn — Hon. Roswell Hotchkiss — Rev. Daniel Shepard — James Hughston — Hon. Samuel A. Law — Daniel Gould — Col. Adam Shaver — T. H. Rathbun — Simeon Mcintosh — Richard Peters — Thomas Hamilton — Major Joseph Duren — William C. Chris- tiani — Abel Gallup — Jacob Every — Pierce Mitchel — Margery Walcott — Edmund Kelly — Abram Thomas — Gen. Orrin Griffin — Claudius Flansburgh — Levi Hanford — Abigial Marvin e — Hon. Selah R. Hobbie — Frederick L. Hanford — George B. Foote — Peter Penet — William HoUiday — Col. Amasa Parker — Joel T. Headley. The following are a few of the many obituaries we should have been happy to have noticed^ had we the limits in the volume, and the material for their preparation. We had de- layed some time for a promised notice of the Hon. Noadiah Johnston. A tribute to his memory certainly deserves a con- spicuous place among the reminiscences of his native county. He spent the prime of his life in the county of Delaware, and was for many years, a distinguished member of our State and National Legislature. A sound and practical lawyer, his strong genius first exhibited itself through his eloquence at the bar. We have compiled most of these notices from files of the various county papers, and in many instances, have adopted the lan- guage of the communications. Died — January, 1824, Captain Abraham Gould, in the 28th year of his age, after a lingering illness. He was the only survivor of four hardy young men, who emigrated at an early day into this county, (1790) and were the first settlers in the town of Roxbury. Died — Aaron Hull, Esq., in the 74th year of his age.