Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/392

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368 HISTORY OF Died — 'In Mereditli, on the Otli January, 1854, after a long and painful disense, Mr. Pierce Mitchell, age seyenty- two years. Mr. Mitchell was one of the oldest settlers of the town. He was a native of Connecticut, but nearly, or quite fifty years ago came to this town, where he^has since resided, respected and esteemed as an honest man and valuable citizen, encouraging others by his example of temperance, industry and frugality, to persevere in the task before them. Mr. Mitchell has left numerous descendants, and a multitude of friends and acquaintances; who will long cherish and revere his memory. Died— At Croton, J^. Y., June 16th, 1854, Mrs. Mar- gery WoLCOTT, relict of Deacon Thos. Wolcott, aged 71. Deceased was one of the earliest settlers of the place, and of her disinterested benevolence, particularly in sickness, a sur- vivor has aptly remarked, she had always been a mother to the neighborhood.'^ She leaves a large circle of relatives, who, with the community, will deeply mourn her loss. For the last thirty years of her life, she was united with the church of Christ, and died as she had lived, an exemplary christian. — Com. Died — In the town of Roxbury, Delaware county, at the residence of his son, Martin Kelly, Edmund Kelly, Sen., aged eighty-seven years, five months and fifteen days. He was born in Frederickstown, Dutchess county, on the 25th of February, 1767 ; he enlisted at the age of fourteen under Washington, and served under him until the close of the Revolutionary war, doing justice to his country and honor to himself. He was married to Lovina Liscom, in July, 1787. He leaves to mourn his departure the aged partner of his bosom, nine children, eighty-four grandchildren, one hundred and two great-grandchildren, together with a large circle of friends. Among the obituary records of 1854, perhaps iione were