Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/397

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 373 np lier husband's estate, which by liis sudden death, was left in a very unsettled condition, would have been enough to discour- age a female of ordinary mind ; but she survived to see all her children become heads of families, and some of them grand- parents. Though of Presbyterian parentage, she became after- wards a communicant in St. Peter's church, and her six sons and two daughters were baptized, and brought up in attend- ance on its services, so far as circumstances permitted. They are now mostly connected with the Episcopal communion, though widely scattered in different countries, and diiferent States. But two are now remaining in Hobart ; these, with Mr. C. Marvine, of Delhi, are the only children now residing in the county of Delaware. The death of Mrs. Marvine was calm and peaceful, full of christian faith and hope. — Com. The Hon. Selah K. Hobbie, First-Assistant Post-master Greneral, died at the city of Washington, on the 23d March j 1854, of an affection of the lungs, with which he had been for a long time afflicted. He was born at Newburgh, New York, on the 10th of March, 1797, and died at the age of 57. While a boy, he removed with his father to Walton, in this county, and soon after, while yet quite young, was deputy clerk of the Assembly at Albany, where he became acquainted with Gren. Root, then a member of the Assembly, in the meri- dian of his great power and influence. At an early day, he established himself at this place, in the practice of the law, where he married Julianne, eldest daughter of Gen, Root, with whom he was connected in business. He ranked among the the first lawyers of the Delaware bar, having an extensive and lucrative practice. As an evidence of the public appreciation of his talents and standing, he was commissioned District Attorney and Brigade Major and Inspector, the duties of which he discharged with distinguished ability and success. He held these appointments till 1826, in the fall of which year, he was elected to Congress from the counties of Delaware 32