Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/399

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 375 Normal School^ from Delaware county. Returning to the town of Stamford^ lie establislied the Hobart Seminary^ and during his connection with that institution it maintained a high repu- tation for thoroughness of instruction among the neighboring seminaries. His close attention to the interests of his students and the school, was doubtless one of the principal causes of the early termination of his useful life by consumption. Died — In Stamford, on the 21st of August, 1854, of con- sumption. Bailey Foote, son of G-eorge B. Foote, in the twentieth year of his age. He was a young man of stern integrity, and promised to make a man of worth in the town where he lived, and was distinguished for the many virtues he possessed. He was always found casting his influence on the side of virtue. During an illness of four months, he suffered severely from weakness ; he was never heard to complain, but exhibited that cheerfulness of character which so naturally belonged to him. When told by the writer of this communication that, in all probability, they soon must part, tears rolled from his eyes for a few moments, and then, with the spirit of a man, he said it was all right, or it would not be so. The day of his death will long be remembered. He said he felt his time was short, and conversed about his final departure with as much composure as if he was preparing for an earthly journey. He wished to see the pastor that had visited him during his illness, and requested him to speak from these words : Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth There is a power in religion that sheds a brightness over the hour of death. — _Delaware Gazette. DiED^ — In Andes, March 1st, 1855, Peter Penet, aged sixty years. Mr. Penet, was one of the oldest settlers of the town of Andes, and was a quiet and industrious citizen. The