Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/424

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400 APPENDIX. Hard Democratic^ in opposition to the line of the administra- tion, and some differences arising between him and the depart- ment, in relation to post-office matter, the ex-editor was re- moved from the office of post-master, and, the present editor appointed in his place. The removal of Mr. Wright, and the appointment of his succes- sor, excited the indignation of his personal and political friends, and a fund was raised for the establishment of another paper, with Mr. Wright as editor. The sum of four hundred and seventy-five dollars was raised, and the future editor was com- missioned to New York, to purchase the requisite material. The first number of the DELAWARE COUNTY COUHIEE Was issued on the 15th of February, 1855, and continued until the following May, issuing in all twelve numbers, when it was discontinued. The establishment was afterwards pur- chased by Mr. Hulce, and is now used in the publication of the Democrat. The politics of the Deposit Union Democrat are Administration, Democratic. The editor says ; " I have published this paper just two and a half years, it just about paying expenses, and the business improving. The last six months has been much better than before.^' BLOOMYILLE MIRROR. It is a verified part of past history, that from little and apparently trivial causes, flow frequently the greatest results. It is a wise and a beautiful process of nature, that the appa- rently inanimate acorn causes the majestic oak to spring forth, take deep root, and spread wide its overhanging branches to the breeze. Nor is it any more a law of the vegetable kingdom,