Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/428

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404 APPENDIX. reading, the ' Visitor' will endeavor to attain and hold a high rank, and make itself a favorite with old and young, and especially with all who seek for their families a literature wholly free from everything that can deprave the sentimenM or vitiate the taste. In the columns of the ^ Visitor' will be found the Latest News on all matters of Public interest — Local Items — Sketches from Real and Ideal Life — Original and Selected Tales — Biographies of Eminent Men — Choice Poetry, new and old — Travelling Sketches — Leaves from History — Instructive Anecdotes — Notices of New Books, with brief Reviews and Extracts — New Facts in Science and Art — a Careful Colla- tion from the best Agricultural J ournals — a Department for the Boys and Grirls that love good reading — a Department of Religious Reading, and Local Religious Notices and Items. Besides all these matters there will always be room and wel- come for good thoughts, in prose or poetry, that may aid the great movements of the present times — to educate, civilize, and make more human our own and other lands ; to redeem the drunkard, and set free the slave. In regard to all the worthy reformatory efforts of the day, the great thing needed is full and free and fair discussion, and the same is true in regard to matters purely political. People will act rightly only as they think rightly, and that the people do more of their own thinking than formerly is apparent in the recent turn of affairs in our nation, as regards party arrangements, and the late elections. This paper will favor all such movements as may develop the true relation between parties and the people; and such as tend to bring out of the present chaos a cooperative policy in all that is really good. ^' It is the purpose of the editor to pursue, as heretofore, an earnest warfare against all that wrongs or crushes any portion of the human race, yet he would always war with the weapons of truth and reason, and give to opposing views a candid