Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/433

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APPENDIX. 409 before the transaction of any business, on the morning of the 2d day of June, 1855, (being the day specified in the notice of the Superintendent of the Bank Department, next preced- ing the date of this report, and requiring the same,) according to the best of their knowledge and belief ; that the said bank is an individual bank, and is located in the village of Deposit, in the county of Delaware, where it has a banking house for the transaction of its business; and that from the 20th of February, 1854, up to the day of making this report, the busi- ness thereof was transacted at such location, and that no person or persons are interested with the said Charles Knapp, directly or indirectly, in the securities deposited with the said Super- intendent, for the circulating notes obtained by him, or in the business of circulating said notes, or in the benefits and advan- tages thereof. Charles Knapp, President, Bolivar Radeker, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn this 7th day of July, 1855, before me, S. D. HULCE, Justice of the Peace. SECEET OUaANIZATIONS. FREEMASONRY. We scarcely deem it the province of the historian to enter the arena of discussion as to the merits or demerits of secret organizations, whether political or benevolent. The fact that they do exist, and have existed, is indisputable, and it belongs to us to glance at their origin, and delineate their history leaving the field of logical discussion for the eloquence of the statesman or the pen of the reviewer. Freemasonry may be appropriately classed among the matters of interest connected with the early history of the 35