Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/435

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APPENDIX. 411 22Y, Aurora, 251, Franklin, 296, Golden, 408, Eagle, Meredith, Franklin, Middletown, Koxburj, Nov. 25th, 1813. Oct. 13th, 1815. Sept. 13th, 1817. 1820. The number of degrees conferred upon accepted masons are in succession seven, viz., 1. Entered Apprentice, 2. Fellow Craft, 8. Master Mason, 4. Mark Master, 5. Past Master, 6. Most Excellent Master, 7. Royal Arch. The principal symbols of the masonic order, are, the square, the plumb-line, the level, and the compass, as emblematic of the craft whose name they bear. The ornamental decorations of the lodge room are, the Mosaic Pavement, Indented Tassel, and the Blazing Star. The Mosaic Pavement repre- sents the ground floor of Solomon's Temple, the Indented Tassel, that beautiful border which surrounded it, and the blazing star in the centre, is in commemoration of the star by •which the magi, or wise men of the East, were conducted to the place of our Saviour's nativity. The rigid oaths administered to each member, as well as the horrid penalties affixed thereto, had efi'ectually barred for ages the world without from a cognizance of the secrets of masonry. Some vague reports of certain rites and ceremonies too ridiculous to be believed, except by the ignorant and credulous, and which subsequent demonstration proved to be far from truth, were the only items of the modus operandi of its internal machinery, which it had seen fit to give the world, until 1828 when Morgan published his world-renowned Revelations of Masonry," which cost that author his life, and gave to the world the mysteries of masonic order. The mysterious disappearance of Morgan, at or about the time of the publication of his work, together with the painful associations connected with his untimely death, struck like a magic chord upon the public ear. It was published in every