Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/17

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CONTENTS. xiii PAGE She rejects the Scotch Proposals . . . . . . 457 Will give no Money . . . . . . . . 458 Philip Sidney declines to carry her Message to the States 459 The States lose Patience . . . . . . . . 460 The Battle of Rymenaiit gained for them by the English 462 Elizabeth changes Policy again . . . . ' ' r '~J . 464 She receives the Burgundian Crown Jewels . . . . 465 Closes her direct dealings with the Netherlands . . 465 Her last Matrimonial Adventure . . . . . . 468 She invites Alenc,on to visit her . . . . . . 474 Death of Don John, Alexander of Parma becomes Regent 476 Battle of Alcazar, and Death of Sebastian of Portugal . . 477 Prosperity of England . . . . . . . . 479 Audacity of the Pirates . . . . . . . . 479 Alenc.on leaves the States . . . . . . 481 M. Simier brings Elizabeth his Letter . . . . 484 Opinions in England on the Marriage . . . . 487 Demands of Alengon . . . . . . . . 489 Leicester's Marriage to Lettice Knowles . . . . 492 Alen^on's personal Appearance . . . . . . 494 Pamphlet by John Stubbs . . . . 495 General dislike in England of the Alen^on Marriage . . 499 Stubbs loses his Hand . . . . . . "^ i 502 The Marriage Treaty suspended for two Months . . 504 And then allowed to drop . . . . . . 505 Cecil's advice to the Queen . . . . . . 505 Catholic Plot against England . . . . . . 508 The Refugees at Rheims. . . . . . . . 510 Meditated Jesuit Invasion . . . . 513 The Missionaries of Disaffection .. .. ..514