Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/464

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444 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 6l rope. Her movements may have been extremely clever, but they were also extremely dangerous. She was playing with France, playing with Alencon, playing with the States, half false to all, half sincere to all. She was trifling with her own credit, and trying the patience of statesmen who, on the whole, were the wisest that ever served a European sovereign. Leicester, whose influence with her was the strongest, who had least right to be shocked at moral improprieties, had yet intelligence enough to see the political effect of his mistress's performances. Though Alencon had engaged Jhimself elsewhere, the Duke of Guise was intriguing with effect in Scotland. A Spanish Italian in- vasion, though Elizabeth refused to believe it, was impending over Ireland. 1 The most formidable enemy that she possessed was at work in the very heart of England. ' The more I love her/ wrote Leicester, 'the more fearful am I to see such dangerous ways taken. God of his mercy help all, and give us all here about her grace to discharge our duties ; for never was there more need, nor never stood this Crown in like June. that her Majesty did allow.' Burghley to Cobham and Walsing- ham, July 29 : MSS. France. 1 ' Her Majesty will not believe in the danger. I soe plainly that no- thing will be done till necessity doth enforce us, and that rather to with- stand harm than by any means devise the preventing of it. I pray her Majesty feel not the smart upon the sudden, when it shall be over-late to repent. Security and contempt of harm are the right means to lull us to ruin, whereas foresight and pro- vident care do preserve estates in safety. If there be a destiny, who can avoid it? and yet because things to come are unknown to man, it were good reason so to deal with advice and counsel, as we should not in our judgment be condemned as the very causes of our own destruction through folly.' Wilson to Walsingham, June 21 : MSS. Holland.