Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/576

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556 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 62. the west, opening on the Atlantic, and there, having sslected a spot which suited them, they set their pri- soners to work in chains trenching and building. 1 Messengers meanwhile went out, carrying a letter from Fitzmaurice and the Legate to Desmond, with a pro- clamation in Irish, signifying the purpose of their" ar- rival. The letter to Desmond was as follows : 'After due and hearty commendation in July 1 8. most humble manner premised. For so much as James Fitzmaurice, being authorized thereto by his Holiness, warfareth under Christ's ensign for re- storing of the Catholic faith in Ireland, God forbid the day should ever come wherein it might be said that the Earl of Desmond has forsaken his kins- man, the lieutenant of his spiritual father, the ban- ner of his merciful Saviour, the defence of his ancient faith, the delivery of his dear country, the safeguard of his noble house and posterity. Whereas King Henry VIII. left behind him one son and two daughters, how came it to pass that none of them all could have lawful issue of their own bodies, but because even as King Henry had overthrown many houses in England which bare the name of God and represented God's ma- jesty and mercy towards us, even so God hath deter- mined to root up all them by whom King Henry's name and blood might have been maintained and preserved in the world ? Insomuch that, although Queen Mary was a builder up of God's house for her own part, yet for 1 Mr Gold to the Mayor of Limerick, July 22, 1579 : MSS. Ireland.