Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/298

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282 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 6$. Not only might it be said of Elizabeth that none but herself could be her parallel, but she was able to eclipse herself, and sugge&t expedients in her difficulties which could have occurred to no imagination but her own. She was still swearing, and she meant to continue to swear, that she intended to marry her French Prince ; 1 but, more wonderful than this, she allowed a report to be spread that she would marry the young King of Scotland, and ensure herself against danger from him by being his wife. 2 Money, at any rate, she would not part with, neither from her own treasury nor the Lennox rents, and among the possible consequences there was one extremely serious, which those who knew Scotland best were afraid might follow. The King had been partly reconciled to his fate by promises of what England would do for him. When he found England November. 1 'Those that weigh the matter in- differently, considering her Majesty's years and their necessity in France to be provided of a successor, either by the King or Monsieur, do judge they have good reason not to be hasty in this matter. Notwithstanding it is meant that the negotiation shall still be entertained whereof we have hitherto taken more hurt than good.' Walsingham to Cobham, Novem- ber 8, 1582: MSS. France. 2 ' J'ay veu par la lettre qu'avez escripte a la Royno raa Dame et mere la negotiation que 1'on meet en avant de marier la dicte Dame d' An- gle terre avec mon nepveu le Roy d'Escoce. Cette nouvelle practique le pourra encores quelque temps en- tretcniren.esperanceen Angleterre et en Escoce, ne doubtant pas qu'icelle Dame Royne, selon qu'elle a accou- stuniee, ne soit bien contente que le bruict en soit, car cela ne peult que servir a ses affaires.' Le Roi a Cas- telnau de Mauvissiere, January 27, 1583 : TEULET, vol. iii. ' Aquella Reyna no puede estar sin platicas de casamiento, y ahora las tiene con el Rey de Escocia per ascgurarse de donde mas teme.' Mendoza a Don Juan de Idriaquez, 2 Marzo, 1583 : MSS. Simancas.