Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/260

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2 4 6 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. ten. 5.4- His words, whatever they were, augured ill for com- promise. To him and to the Scotch commons Mary Stuart was simply a wicked woman, whose rights, could they have heen accurately ascertained, were a short shrift and six feet of rope. The nobles had tough con- sciences and had estates to lose, and as Elizabeth had prevented them from hanging the Queen, her restora* tion did not seem impossible to them. The commons however would as soon be subject to Satan. Few or none of the lords cared in their hearts to see Mary Stuart again among them ; and as there was a sincere desire to save the country from bloodshed, they were willing, in the first emotion which followed Murray's death, to come to any settlement which Elizabeth would allow to endure. Smaller jealousies and smaller aims were laid aside. Maitland, after the funeral, came down from the Castle, and was acquitted by acclamation of all charges against him, and a private meeting was held &t Dalkeith, at which Argyle was present, to determine whether another Regent should be chosen in Murray's maintainers of treasonable cruelty may be eitber thoroughly convicted or confounded. Oil Lord, if Thy mercy prevent not we cannot escape just condemnation, for that Scotland hath spared and England hath main- tained the life of that most wicked woman. Oppose Thy power, oh Lord, to the pride of that cruel mur- deress of her own husband ; confound her faction and their subtle enter- prises of what estate and condition soever they be ; and let them and the world know that Thou art a God that can deprehend the wise in their own wisdom, and the proud in the imagination of their wicked hearts to their everlasting confusion. Lord, retain us that call upon Thee in Thy true fear. Let us grow in the same. Give Thou strength to us to fight our battle, yea, Lord, to fight it lawfully, and to end our lives in the sanctification of Thy holy name.' Works of John Knox, vol. vi. pp. 5 6 9, 570-