Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/293

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1570.] EXCOMMUNICA TION OF ELIZABETH. 279 It had been agreed that every demand which Elizabeth might make should be conceded, that the treaty might not be interrupted. The detention of the Queen of Scots would perhaps be continued for some time after its completion, but the Duke of Norfolk would probably be liberated. He too was to promise anything ; to, promise to think no more of the Queen of Scots ; to promise not to disturb the Established religion. Promises lightly made could be lightly broken, 1 an<^ the Duke, once out and among his own people, couldi 4ft what he pleased. The pamphlets were then to have appeared, and with them, or immediately after, the Bull of Deposition. A Nuncio had come from Home to Paris with a hat and sword for Charles, and the Pope had hoped and desired that it should be formally published in the Nuncio's presence there. But France, like Spain, had refused the necessary permission. A copy had been smuggled over to England in cipher by Ridolfi ; and Ridoln, and La Mothe, and the Bishop pf Ross were watching for the moment at which to launch it. 2 The 1 'Los deste consejo blandian mas con el Duque de Norfolk,. y me han avisado quo manana han de venir Cecil y otro del Consejo a bablarles en la Torre, y ver que seguridad podra dar a la Reyna de su fidelidad de no casarse con la Reyna de Es- cocia, y de no ayudar a rimover esta religion que aca tienen. El esta ad- vertido de ofrecerks mucho. . . Seria possible que saiga presto ; en lo cual puede considerar Y a Excelencia que salido puede con gran facilidad librar la de Escocia y alterar todo el reyno. Si es bien que haga mas con el am- paro del Rey n ro Senor que de Fran- ceses, y estando V a Ex a resuelto en esto general, escribire en lo particular hacer convenientes a esta fin.' Des- cifrada. Don Guerau de Espes al Duque de Alva, Mayo, 1570 : MSS. Simancas. ~ Don Guerau to Alva, May ip* MSS. Simancas.