Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/422

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4 o8 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 55. friends, for his Holiness, the King, and the Duke of Alva ; l but as both you and the Bishop of Ross are of opinion that these letters may be dangerous both to yourselves and to us, you may leave them in the hands of the Spanish ambassador ; you will ask him, from me, to transcribe them in his own cipher, and send copies to each of the princes, and assure them that he is in possession of the originals ; 2 giving at the same time the reasons why you have them not with you. If I can see the ambassador and confirm to him what I have said to you, I will do so. If not, I must let him know by letter. I will write with so much the more warmth to his Majesty, whose hand you will kiss with all due reverence in my name. 3 You must insist on my desire 1 '- Llevais cartas de creencia mi as y de todos los amigos.' 2 ' Me contento que las dexeis aqui en manos del Embajador de Espana, con rogarle de mi parte que se contente de daros copia dellas en su cifra mas secreta y que escriba &. cada uno de los dichos Principes como tiene los originates cerca de si.' 3 The commission is so long that I have been obliged to abridge it in places, but I have omitted nothing of consequence, and I have as far as possible preserved the tone. The letter of credit, which was forwarded in Don Guerau's cipher, was as fol- lows : 4 Christian! orbis Serenissime idemque Catholice Rex ; hujus in- sula3 Britannicse statum tot miseriis et aerumnis undique religionis ergo dissidii quoque fidei causa deploran- dum considerans, hunc nuntium Ro- bcrtum Ridolfi, virum probum, de ali- orum procerum hujus regni consilio in pra3sentiam V. Maj tlg mitto, adeo instructum ut de rebus ad publicum spectantibus commodum, Serenita- tem tuam certiorem redderre poterit, cui fidem haberi et eundem bene expeditum ea celeri diligentia quam ipsius negotii statum (sic) requirit ad nos remitti humillime supplico, et ut omnia ad optatum perducantur finem, non solum omnem meam operamet csetera qua3 mearum virium sunt, sed et vitam denique meam in Dei gloriam exponere summa fide polliceor. Cetera vero qua? V* Maj* 1 nuntius abunde et perspicace (sic) coram disseret ad V ffi Maj ti summam prudentiam, sicut et mea omnia defmicnda supplex refero, quam semper incolumem servet et