Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/44

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REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 52, if the relations between him and England were to be re-established. To give emphasis to his dismissal, the ships which escorted him back to Dunkirk, under his very eyes, with ingenious insolence, cut out from Calais roads two rich Spanish merchantmen, and swept them back into the Thames. In the Channel and out of it, in harbour and in the open sea wherever a vessel could be found with a Catholic owner, it was plundered by the English rovers. Some lay in wait for such ships and galleys as contained Flemish prisoners, whom they would set at liberty. 1 Others plunged into the Spanish ports themselves, to rescue the English vessels, crews, and cargoes which were detained there, and helping themselves to any valuables which they might encounter in the process on sea or shore. 2 The prisoners whom they took on these expeditions they brought home as hostages for their countiymen, caged them in the har- bour gaols, and tortured them with daily homilies from Protestant ministers. 3 To the yet deeper distress of Philip, the house of one of the largest Spanish merchants in London was 1 ' Otro siete navios Ingleses pelearon con dos navios Espanoles de pasage cargados de fardeles de Flandes, y el uno navio escapd des- tos con muerto cl majestro de ella, y capitan y otros quatro companeros, y el otro navio qued6 peleando con ellos de que no se sabe lo que se ha hecho, el cual navio traya 32 for- $ados de Flandes.' Memorial pre- sented by Don Guerau to the Eng- lish council : Spanish MSS. Rolls House. 2 ' Una nave Tnglesa ha venido de Vigo que enviaron de aqui armada para sacar los Inglescs y ropa que alii tenian, y se did buena mafia ; y sacd doce mercadores y ciento y viente pafios y cuarenta mill escndos enplata.' Don Guerau a! Duque de Alva, Marti 20 : MSS. SimancaK. 3 Don Guerau al Rey, February 27: MSS. Ibid.