Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/526

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5 12 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 56. from the Queen of Scots, and with a precise and exact account of what was to be done, his master's proposi- tions should be favourably received, and money also should not be wanting to put the fleet in good order. Not a hint had been dropped by the cautious King about the meditated invasion ; but the Duke and Duchess of Feria were less cautious. They talked over with Fitzwilliam the possible achievements which Hawkins might accomplish. They trusted him with letters and presents to the Queen of Scots, giving him the excuse which he wanted for being introduced to her; and with these, and with the information at least that the King of Spain was willing to encourage the desertion of fee fleet, he returned to England a little before Sir Henry Cobham. He had gone over merely to dupe Philip into letting go the prisoners. Before he came back the arrest and examination of Charles Baily had sharpened Cecil's suspicions, and more might now be made of the original purpose of the deception. If followed up, it might lead either to Hawkins being admitted into the whole secret of the con- spiracy ; or, if the trick was discovered, he would at the worst discredit other overtures from English disloyalty, and make Philip doubt whether it was not all treachery together. Thus it was decided to go on. Hawkins was bent on recovering his friends, and Cecil on ,un- ravelling the mystery of which Baily had revealed the existence, but had left but half explained. The important thing was now to obtain the letter of in- troduction from the Queen of Scots.