Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/59

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I 5 6 9 .] ENGLISH PARTIES. 45 implicated your Majesty in the quarrel will make up his own differences with the Queen and leave the storm to fall on you. If I may venture to advise, your Ma- jesty will remain on good terms with the Pope and the Catholic King, but you will remain also at peace with this realm. You may tell the council here, that inas- much as their conduct has been so outrageous both towards the Catholics and the Queen of Scots ; inas- much as they have allowed so many heretics to collect here from all parts of Europe, and have made England the focus of so many heretic conspiracies, at the request of his Holiness, Italian troops will be stationed in Nor- mandy. You may say that the King of Spain has re- quested you to co-operate with him, and in duty to your own subjects you must protect them from the English pirates ; but at the same time you will give the Duke of Alva to understand that France cannot permit Eng- land to be conquered by Spain ; he may do whatever he may think necessary for the recovery of the stolen money but you cannot allow him to make a descent upon the English coast/ l 1 'N'obmettant pour leur gran- deur et reputation, de faire demander au due d' Alva qu'est-ce qu'il pretend faire contre ceste Reyne et son pays, et la fa^on com me ils entendent que Pentreprinse soit limitee ; en quoy pourront remonstrer que les feuz Keys n'ont jamais voulu permettre qu'on fist conqueste dans ce Roy- aulme ; cognoissans que cela ina- portoit a la seurete de leur, et que comine le feu Empereur fut bien en accord avec le feu Roy Franc,oys premier qu'il peult bien faire la guerre au Roy Henri huictiesme d'Angleterre pour le recouvrement de Boulogne sans toucher neantmoins ny descendre aulcunement en son Royaulme, que de mesme ilz trou- ventbon quele due d'Alva face tout ce qu'il pourra pour le recouvrement de ses deniers et des prinses, sans