Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/9

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CONTENTS. Change in the Scotch Character produced by the Reform- ation Funeral of the Regent Murray Randolph at Edinburgh Unwillingness of Elizabeth to support the Scotch Pro- testants The Catholic Refugees Maitland of Lidington Maitland and Knox Letter of Maitland to Elizabeth . . The Catholic nobles replaced in the English Council . . Catholic Convention at Linlithgow The Earl of Sussex invades Scotland The Harrying of the Border Correspondence of Mary Stuart with the Catholic Powers Divisions among the Catholics in England . Danger of "War with Erance Letter of Elizabeth to the Earl of Sussex Morton insists on her declaring openly for King James Negotiations for the Restoration of the Queen of Scots The Bishop of Ross Second Invasion of Scotland Destruction of Hamilton Castle Publication in London of the Bull of Excommunica- tion Meeting of the Council Speech of Sir N. Bacon . . Speech of Lord Arundel * Plans for a Rebellion in England Symptoms of Disaffection among the Catholic Nobles Temper of Elizabeth Prospects of Peace in France The Earl of Lennox declared Regent of Scotland The Privateers in the Channel be PAGE 243 244 246 252 253 255 2 5 6 259 26l 263 265 270 271 273 275 276 277 2 7 8 282 282 285 286 287 289 293 295 296 300 302 33