Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 3.djvu/15

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The High Churchmen a Majority of the Lower House of Convocation 439
Difference between the Two Houses of Convocation 441
The Lower House of Convocation proves unmanageable 442
The Convocation prorogued 443
The Parliament meets; Retirement of Halifax 445
Supplies voted; the Bill of Rights passed 446
Enquiry into Naval Abuses 448
Enquiry into the Conduct of the Irish War 449
Reception of Walker in England 451
Edmund Ludlow 453
Violence of the Whigs 456
Impeachments 457
Committee of Murder 458
Malevolence of John Hampden 459
1690. The Corporation Bill 462
Debates on the Indemnity Bill 468
Case of Sir Robert Sawyer 469
The King purposes to retire to Holland 473
He is induced to change his intention; the Whigs oppose his going to Ireland; He prorogues the Parliament 474
Joy of the Tories 476
Dissolution and General Election 478
Changes in the Executive Departments 480
Caermarthen then Chief Minister 481
Sir John Lowther 483
Rise and Progress of Parliamentary Corruption in England 484
Sir John Trevor 489
Godolphin retires 490
Changes at the Admiralty 491
Changes in the Commissions of Lieutenancy 492
Temper of the Whigs; Dealings of some Whigs with Saint Germains; Shrewsbury; Ferguson 494
Hopes of the Jacobites 496
Meeting of the New Parliament; Settlement of the Revenue 497
Provision for the Princess of Denmark 500
Bill declaring the Acts of the preceding Parliament valid 507