Page:History of Freedom.djvu/158

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114 be carried to the Pope. I t was added that he had presented a ring to the Legate, as a pledge of sincerity, which the Legate refused. The first to publish this story was Capilupi, \vriting only seven months later. It was repeated by Folieta,l and is given \vith all details by the historians of Pius V.-Catena and Gabuzzi. Catena was secretary to the Cardinal of Alessandria as early as July 1572, and submitted his work to him before publication. 2 Gabuzzi wrote at the instance of the same Cardinal, who supplied him with materials; and his book was examined and approved by Borghese, afterwards Paul V. Both the Cardinal of Alessandria and Paul V., therefore, were instrumental in causing it to be proclaimed that the Legate was acquainted in February I 572 with the inten- tion which the King carried out in August. The testimony of Aldobrandini \vas given still more distinctly, and with greater definiteness and authority. When he was required, as Pope, to pronounce upon the dissolution of the ill-omened marriage, he related to Borghese and other Cardinals what had passed in that interview between the Legate and the King, adding that, when the report of the nlassacre reached Rome, the Cardinal exclaimed: "God be praised! the King of France has kept his word." Clement referred Ð'Ossat to a narrative of the journey \vhich he had written himself, and in which those things would be found. 3 The clue thus given has been unaccountably neglected, although the Report was kno\vn to exist. One copy is tnentioned by Giorgi; and Mazzuchelli knew of another. Neither of them had read it; for they both ascribe it to l\1:ichele Bonelli, the Cardinal of Alessandria. The first page would have satisfied them that it \vas not his work. Clement VI 11. describes the result of the nlission to Blois 1 De Sac1'o Foedere. Graevius The;aurus. i. 1038, 2 Catena. Vita di Pio V.. p. 197; Gabutius. Vita Pii V., p. ISO. and the Dedication, 3 D'Ossat to Villeroy, Sept, 22. 1599; Lettres. iii. 503, An account of the Legate's journey was found by Mendham among Lord Guildford's manuscripts, and is described in the Supplement to his life of Pius V.. p, 13, It is written by the Master of Ceremonies, and possesses no interest, The Relatio already quoted. which corresponds to the description given by Clement VIII. of his own work. is among the manuscripts of the Marquis Capponi. No, 16 4.