Page:History of Gardner, Massachusetts (1860) - Glazier.djvu/156

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Town History.—Ecclesiastical History.

Articles of Faith.

1st. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God. That they are profitable for doctrine, for correction, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness, and that they are the only efficient rule of Christian faith and practice.

2d. We believe that God is a being of infinite perfections, both natural and moral, governing all things according to his own will, and existing consequently with his unity in three persons, Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost.

3d. We believe in the free agency, moral obligations, and accountability of man. That in consequence of the first transgression, he became destitute of holiness and prone to evil, and obnoxious to the righteous justice of God.

4th. We believe that Christ by his sufferings and death made atonement for sin. That it is abundantly sufficient for the whole world. And that those who reject his gospel perish in unbelief, entirely from their own fault.

5th. We believe in the necessity of a change of heart, whereby its natural aversion to holiness gives place to the grace and love of God in Christ. And that the change is wrought by the influence of the Holy Spirit.

6th. We believe that the only meritorious ground of the sinner's justification and pardon is the atoning sacrifice and righteousness of Christ. That while justification is through faith alone, it is through that living faith which unfailing and perseveringly abounds in good works, and all the fruits of the Spirit. And that salvation is entirely by grace.

7th. We believe in the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. That all mankind must appear before the judgment seat of Christ to be awarded according to their works. The wicked to go away into everlasting punishment, and the righteous into life eternal.