Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1006

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368 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY J. Henning. This partnership continued two years, after which the firm became Berg & Banitt. Then F. E. Davis purchased the Berg interests. In May. 1907. Mr. Banitt became sole pro- prietor. Mr. Banitt was married September 28, 1898, to Lizzie A. Kopplin, daughter of Alex and Augusta Konig. natives of Germany, who came to this country many years ago. Here the father was employed as a farmer, a bookkeeper and a school teacher, but has now retired. The mother died at Bellingham. .Minn., in 1897. The Banitt home has been blessed with three children: Edna Cecelia, born July 2. 1900; Cecelia Rebecca, born March 5, 1903, and Walter .John, born January 2, 1907. The family worships at the German Lutheran church. Hans H. Danielson. also known in the early days as Hans Henry and Henry Dani,elson, now deceased, was one of the pioneer settlers of Goodhue township. He was born in Norway, December 18, 1832, and was brought to America by his parents as a boy of ten years. His education was received in the public schools of Albion. Wis., and in that town he also followed Harm- ing, blacksmithing and carpenter work. In 1855, with the influx of Goodhue county immigration, lie set t led in Goodhue township and took- up a government claim of 160 acres, bringing the wild land to a high state of cultivation. Thirteen years later he sold his farm and purchased 160 acres in Uelvideiv township, where, as before, he carried on general farming and stock raising, also operating an ingenious engine and threshing machine which he built himself. He was supervisor and pathmaster of his town- ship, and a director of school district 32 for many years. He also affiliated with the G. A. R. In his latter years Mr. Daniel- son Avas handicapped by the loss of a leg. that member having been wounded by a cannon ball and later amputated during the Civil War, in which terrible conflict he served as a member of Company (i. 7th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. After receiv- ing his wound he was taken to the hospital at Evansville, Ind., and in 1865 was discharged with honor at the cessation of hos- tilities. Mr. Danielson was married August 17, 1856, to Eliza- beth Anderson, who is still living on the old homestead. By this union twelve children were born: Caroline A. is Mrs. M. C. Morgan, of Zunibrota. Hiram B. is a farmer, of Lincoln county, this state. Augustus J. is a farmer, of Lincoln county, this state. Jennie M. is Mrs. H. C. Hanson, of Lincoln county, this state. Minnie C. is deceased. Danene S. is Mrs. X. A. Herrick, of Lincoln county. Wesley R. was killed by a train wreck. Oscar A. is an inventor of considerable note and lives in New York City. Irene E. is a missionary in Ecuador, South America. Ida P. is a missionary in Kansas City, Mo. Sarah E. is dead. Edna H. lives at home. Mr. Danielson died in 1909. sincerely mourned