Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1024

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88G HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY and sister, Elizabeth Ann, came to this country and have since made their home with the brothers. Elizabeth has eighty acres of her own in Section 20. In 1879 Robert paid a visit to the old home in Ireland. He is a Republican and is a stockholder in the Stanton cheese factory. The brothers have some fine land which they have brought to a high state of cultivation. Through hard work and thrift they have become prosperous and are highly respected. 0. E. Emery, of Stanton township, was born in New York stat< May 30, 1853, son of Jacob and Eliza (Portman) Emery, natives of Jamestown. N. Y.. who came to Rice county in 1855 and engaged in farming. O. E. Emery received his education in the early days, when a log cabin served for a school house ami long planks for seats. After school clays were over, he worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-seven years old. when he came to Stanton township and purchased land which he im- proved, starting general farming and stock raising, which he has carried on for twenty years. He was the first man in the town- ship to bring in a registered Holstein bull. He now does some dairying, and has twenty-six Holstein cows. His farm consists of 200 acres of land, of winch all but twenty-five acres is under cultivation. The house and outbuildings are in excellent condi- tion, Mr. Emery having made all the improvements himself. He was married in 1s7!> to Isabelle Whitson, daughter of Andrew ami Abigail (Dack) Whitson. who are old settlers, having lived in this county for over forty years. Four children have blessed the Emery home: Earl, Ethel, Orville. and Charles, all of whom are with their parents. Mr. Emery had three brothers who served in the Civil War, two, three and four years respec- tively. Mr. Emery is Republican in politics, and has served as supervisor, also on the school board. He was one of the organ- izers of the Stanton Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of which he is a director; also helped start the Farmers' Elevator at Stanton. He is a member of the M. AV. A. ('amp 1510, of Cannon Falls. W. F. Deline, of Stanton township, was born in Lenawee county, Michigan, July 1, 1815, son of Nelson and Debora (Lott) Deline. natives of New York state, where they spent their early life and were married ; later removing to Michigan and remain- ing four years, after which they returned to their native state, where they spent the remainder of their days, the father dying in October, 1907, and the mother in 1859. AV. F. received his education in the common schools, and later attended the academy at Medina, N. Y., until the war broke out, when he enlisted in Company L, Second New York Mounted Rifles, in 1863. He served in the Army of Potomac and, with the exception of when