Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1028

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888 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Her parents were natives of Ohio, where she was born, and where her father was engaged at his trade of tailor. Mr. and Mrs. Voorhis were blessed with seven children : Elizabeth, married to Manley Davis, of Stanton township ; Eugene, now of Wiscon- sin ; Georgette, living at Cascade ; AValter, who manages the farm ; Abbie (deceased) ; Oliver, now of Canada; and Lew T is, a farmer of Warsaw township. Mr. Yoorhis was a Republican in his poli- tics, and held several offices in the township. He was a veteran of the Civil AVar, enlisted in 1S<>4. was assigned to the army of the Cumberland and Tennessee, and took part in all the battles of the campaign. He was a member of the G. A. R. and Masons of Cannon Falls. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Van Voorhis was a man of staunch character and kindly disposition, a worthy example of those pioneers whose belief in the right and abhorrence of the wrong served to make the county a place of peace and order since the earliest settlement. He was a faithful husband, solicitous of the welfare and pleasure of his family, never so happy as when doing something for the comfort of his wife and the prosperity of his children. His death was sincerely mourned by the community in which he lived, by the societies to which lie belonged, by the church in which he was a worshiper and by the family in which he was loved the best. Hon. Ole K. Naeseth, of Wanamingo township, who repre- sents Goodhue county in the Minnesota senate, is a man of rugged character, unswerving principles and rigid adherence to duty, and his long years of public service have proven his ability. From early manhood he has been active in public life. His first office was that of clerk of school district number 60. From 1879 to '84 he Avas county commissioner, and from 1885 to '87 served in the state legislature. His occupancy of his present position dates from 1908. In him the interests of the county have an earnest advocate and supporter, and his work has more than justified the confidence that has been reposed in him. Mr. Naesseth was born in Walworth county. AVisconsin, November 30, 1844, and was brought to AYanamingo township by his parents at the age of twelve years, spending his boyhood here during the days of the early pioneers. Here he received such education as the schools of the neighborhood afforded, and looked after his father's business until 1885, when he came into possession of the old homestead, where he still carries on general farming, man- aging in addition to this a farm of 140 acres in Section 25, owned by his wife. Being willing to contribute of his money as well as of his influence to aid in the general progress of the county, he has taken stock in a number of farmers' elevators and in the First State Bank of Zumbrota. Senator Naeseth was .married.