Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1044

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R02 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Haugen died May 27, 1909. Mr. Haugen is a Republican in poli- tics and a member of the United Lutheran church of Holden. A. H. Dicke, of Featherstone, who has done excellent service as county commissioner, was born in Germany September 8, 1851, son of Frederick W. and Anna Dicke, natives of Germany, who came to America in 1852, and located in Xew Orleans, La., where they remained only a short time. Then they went to St. Louis, .Mo., where the father worked for three years, after which they 'rime to Red Wing, remained two years, then removed, to Hay Creek township, which was not then organized, and took up a "homestead. Here the family lived, and the father went to Red Wing to work, being employed on the courthouse building, which was at that time in the course of construction. In 1858 he left his work in Red Wing and devoted his whole time in clearing and cultivating* the farm. There were three children in the family, two dying in infancy. A. II. Dicke received his education in the common schools of the township, and worked with his father on the farm, later purchasing 240 acres of land in Featherstone township, all under cultivation, on which he has made extensive improvements, built a new barn, and remodeled the other buildings, his home being pleasantly situated and well furnished. He 'now successfully conducts general farming opera- tions and also takes much interest in dairying. He was married in 1877 to Catherine Cordes, daughter of Frank and Meta Cordes, natives of Germany, who came to the United Slates in the early days, to Featherstone township. Mr. and Mrs. Dicke have had ten children, of whom eight are living: Anna, married II. P. Voth. of Featherstone: William Lives at home; Louise married Peter H. Voth. of North Dakota; Herman, ^vct. Walter, Lydia and Eddie live at home. In politics Mr. Dicke is a Republican, and is now serving his third term of four years as county com- missioner of Goodhue county, having been two times re-elected without opposition. He has also served on the Featherstone town board for eleven years. He and his family are members of the German Lutheran church, of which Mr. Dicke has been a promi- nent member of the board for the past twenty-five years, having always taken a most active interest in the welfare of the con- gregation. Mr. Dicke is a man of more than average ability and his fellow citizens have thoroughly appreciated his sterling qualities. Henry James, of Featherstone township, was born in Middle- sex, Ontario, April 14, 1847, son of Henry and Margaret (Max- well) James, natives of Sheffield, England, who came to Canada when young. The father, a veteran of the Civil War, devoted his life to farming. Henry, the son, received his education in the schools of Canada, and in 1869 came to the United States,