Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1050

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908 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY health and thinking a change of climate would be beneficial, he sold his farm and went to Sweden also taking his daughter with him. He left his family there, returned to this country, came to Goodhue county and in 1893 engaged in business in Welch village, where he has since successfully continued, enjoying a good trade and holding the confidence of the community. In 1881 he was married to Carrie Nelson by whom he has one child, Nina J. Wife and daughter live in Sweden. Mr. Jefferson is an independent voter, and was supervisor in Yellow Medicine county for nine years. He also established a school on his farm, thereby showing his public spirit and his interest in education. M. T. Nilan, merchant of Eggleston. was born in Pittsburg. Pa.. July 18. 1859. son of Patrick and Sarah (Maloy) Nilan, natives of Ireland who came to America in 1851 and located in Virginia where they lived until 1855. Then they moved to Pitts- burg. Pa., remaining there until June, 1868, when they came to Minnesota and engaged in farming in Welch township, until their death. They had twelve children, nine of whom are living. M. T. Nilan received his education in the public schools and later attended a business college at Minneapolis. After leaving school he worked on the farm seven years. He then took charge of the elevator at Eggleston. also conducting a small store. This he continued until 1902 when he was obliged on account of his great increase of trade to build a Larger store. He has since conducted a general store, and carries hardware. Mr. Nilan has been twice married. His first wife was Jane O'Connell, daughter of Patrick and Catherine O'Connell. by whom he had two children: Annie married to Mat. P. Gulden, and Catherine (deceased). The mother died January 9, 1888, and May 1, 1893. Mr. Nilan was married to Catherine Glynn, a native of Kansas, daughter of Martin and Catherine (Connell) Glynn, natives of Ireland. Mr. Glynn was a contractor and mason and died in Kansas where Mrs. Glynn is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Nilan have eight children: Sarah, born April 9. 1894; Edward, born October 22, 1895: Catherine, born August 23. 1897: Ellen, born May 3, 1899; Mary L.. born February 2. 1901; Dorothy, born April 16, 1902; Michael, born November 2. 1903. and Martin G., born August 23, 1905. Mr. Nilan is Democrat in politics. He was the station agent at Eggleston for twenty-five years, and has been postmaster since 1882. In addition to his business interests he owns land in Welch township consisting of 726 acres, most of which is timber. He is a member of the K. of C. and he and his family are communicants of the Catholic church. August Westerson, a well known resident of Welch village, Aas born in Sweden October 1. 1854, son of Lars and Betsy Nelson) Westerson, natives of Sweden, who came to America