Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1059

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HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUATY 913 Hilma C. Holmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Holmcr, the latter of whom died in June, 1909, the father still making his home in Cannon Falls, now with Mr. Peterson. Two children, Holmer Loranzo and Helen Elaine, have blessed this happy union. The family faith is that of the Swedish Lutheran church, of which Mr. Peterson has served as secretary and treasurer for many terms. Foster B. Seager, the popular mayor of Cannon Falls village, was first elected in 1880 and has since that time served fourteen different terms. He was born in Cattaraugus county, New York, July 13, 1847, son of AYilliam N. and Sophia (Eldridge)' Seager. After receiving his education in the common schools of his native county he lived temporarily in Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, locating in Cannon Falls July 22, 1869. He then farmed six years, and subsequently for a similar period engaged in the meat business, after which he took up his present business of raising fruit and vegetables and conducting a nursery. This business has constantly grown, and his place is now one of the finest of its kind in the county, his goods having a fine reputation throughout the state. He has a partner, AYilliam Tanner, and in addition to their nursery interests, these gentlemen annually buy from 1,000 to 3,000 sheep, which they fatten on their farms for the spring trade. Mr. Seager is also interested in the Cannon River Electric Power Company. He is a Democrat in politics, has served on the school board several .terms, belongs to the Masons and attends the Episcopal church. He was married Jan- uary 9, 1879, to Susie Cross, of Cannon Falls, daughter of George H. and Olive (Noble) Cross, the former of whom died in 1905 and the latter in 1906. To Mr. and Mrs. Seager have been born two children : Clarence in October, 1884, and Marion in April, 1893. Mr. Seager 's service as mayor has been marked by prog- ress and integrity, and the people of Cannon Falls have regretted the fact that he has not consented to serve continuously since his first election. C. O. Bye, for over thirty years a well known business man of Cannon Falls, was born in Norway August 24, 1850, and there received his education, also attending the American schools a few weeks after coming to this country, September 3, 1872. From late in that year until 1877 he engaged in the tannery business in Northfield, Minn., and then came to this village, where he opened the Cannon Falls Tannery, which he has since successfully con- ducted. In 1894 he combined the tannery with a fur, wool, tallow, hides and pelt department, and commenced the manufac- ture of fur coats and robes, also doing remodeling and repairing. He now continues all these lines, having a large business, both wholesale and retail. A Republican in polities, Mr. Bye has