Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1063

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BISTORT OF GOODH1 E COUNTY 917 the Modern Samaritans and the Scandinavian Benevolenl Asso- ciation, and also associates with the Minnesota State Dental Asso- ciation. Dr. Doely is a stanch Republican, and attends the Nor- wegian Lutheran church. T. I. and Gertin (Foss) Doely, parents of the subject of this sketch, became prominent residents of Spring Grove, Eouston comity. Minnesota, where the father was store keeper and postmaster. He died July 1. 1007. leaving a widow and four children, Ina, Owen K., Carlton and Genevieve. Dan Danielson, of Cannon Falls, is said by his friends to be the champion cheese maker of the state, and this claim is sub- stantiated by the fact that in the June contest of 1908, conducted under the auspices of the state dairy and food department, the cheese made by him won first prize, being awarded a percentage of 98 on a scale of a possible 100. The winning of this prize was a greater honor in thai the other contestants submitted a much better grade of cheese than in previous years, thus neces- sitating a high degree of excellence on the part of whoever should carry off first honors. His diploma is beautifully engraved and bears the signature of no less a personage than the gov- ernor of Minnesota himself. Mr. Danielson was born in Leon township January ID. 1867, was raised on a farm and attended the public schools. In early manhood, having a natural aptitude for mechanics, he been me ;i stationary engineer, an occupation he followed twenty-four years, later learning the cheese making business. Since 1907 he has filled his present position with the Cannon Falls Co-operative Creamery Company. The officers of this company are: President. George T. Valentine; vice-presi- dent. O. L. Benson: secretary. Peter Chelgren ; treasurer. Clif AY. Gress ; manager, O. L. Benbenson ; cheese maker, Dan Daniel- son. Mr. Danielson votes the Democratic ticket, belongs to the Odd Fellows, the Masons, the Star of Bethlehem and the Re- bekahs, and is an excellent citizen in every respect. He was married March 20, 1892, to Agnes E. Gustafson, a native of Leon township. The Danielson home is brightened by the presence of one son, Harold, born February 17, 1901. The family faith is that of the English Lutheran church. Carl and Karie (John- son) Danielson, parents of Dan Danielson, were early pioneers, settling in Nicolet county in 1857 and in Leon township in 1859. They suffered greatly during the Indian outbreak and lost $800 by being compelled to leave their residence at Swan Lake, which was in the heart of the danger district. The father is still living and the mother died November 12, 1885. Peter S. Aslakson, a prominent member of the Bar Association of Goodhue county, is a man who has taken a deep interest in the affairs of Cannon Falls since he first came here to live, in 1886. He has been city attorney and city recorder and is now