Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1069

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNT1 92] prominent member. As mayor his services were highly esteemed and as a justice of the peace his decisions were always wise and conservative. Born in Sweden January 20, 1828, he attended the common schools, and like the other young men of his country, entered the standing army. From L853 to 1856 he lived in Lafayette, Ind., and in the latter year came to Cannon Falls, where he opened a mercantile establishment, continuing until his death, February 5. 1887. He was married June 9, 1878, to Mrs. Josephine Hawkins) Norelius, daughter of Nels and Eva (Kolstrom) Hawkins, who, after leaving their native country of Sweden, lived in Indiana from 1853 to 1856, and then came to Cannon Falls, engaging in farming for the remainder of their lives. The father died April 10, 1889, and the mother May 10, 1889. Mrs. Westman was born in Sweden February 23, 1816, and received an excellent education, being a must estimable woman in every respect. There is one daughter in the family, Eva West- man, who lives at home. J. E. Johnson, one of the leading farmers of Cannon Falls township, was born in Sweden April 10, 1867, son of Ole and Christina (Kronberg) Johnson, natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1869 and located in the town of Belle Creek, this county, where the father worked for five years, after which they came to Cannon Falls township and purchased 160 acres in section 33, where the father improved the land and built a home, carrying on general farming until his death, in 1907. The mother died in 1903. J. E. was the only child, received his edu- cation in the public schools of the township and worked with his father on the farm. In June, 1891, he was married to Ida Larson, daughter of Johannes and Carolina Larson, natives of Sweden, who came to America and settled in Cannon Falls town- ship, where they engaged in farming. The mother died in 1887, but the father is still living with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have one child, Charles W., who is at home. Mr. John- son has made a great many improvements on his farm and build- ings and has a fine home, owning in addition to his cultivated land thirty acres of good timber. He now successfully carries on general farming and stock raising. Mr. Johnson is a Re- publican in his political views, and has been chairman of the township board for the past three years, justice of the peace for two terms, and director of school district 14 for a number of years. In addition to his Cannon Falls farm, Mr. Johnson owns 160 acres of land in Lamour county, North Dakota. John J. Lee, of Cannon Falls village, is a native of this county, born on the old homestead in Leon township December 19, 1863, son of John, Jr., and Ingeborg (Rislov) Lee, natives of Norway, who came to the United States in the forties, settling in Boone