Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1071

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTS 923 plowed land, but much of it is also pasture, affording plenty of grazing for his herds of entile which furnish him with cream for extensive shipments to St. Paul. Mr. Larson votes independ- ently. In 1894, two years after he started life for himself, he was married to Anna Bergquist, by whom he has four children, Margaret, Evelyn, Elvera and Paul S., all of whom are at home The Larsons are ardent supporters of the Swedish Congrega- tional church. J. G. Nelson, who 1ms several limes served his fellow citizens as supervisor of the township of Cannon Falls, was born in Sweden December 14, 1851, son of Ole and Anna Nelson, early settlers in Chisago county, this state, where they lived from 1856 to 1862. In the latter year they came to this township and after renting a farm for some years, purchased in 1870 the land upon which the subject of this sketch still lives. The father died in 1887 and the mother in 1899. Their three children are all living. J. G. Nelson received his education in the public schools, experienced the rigors of pioneer life, and has followed in his father's footsteps as a farmer. He has 160 acres of land, 130 of which is plowed. Here he carries on general farming and dairying, selling milk to the Cannon Falls creamery. His place is about four miles from the village, and the buildings, all of which have been erected either by himself or his father, are neat and well kept. Mr. Nelson is a Republican in politics, and being a thorough believer in education, has served with credit on the school board. He was married in 1876 to Ellen Pearson, by whom he has five children, Adeline, Alfred, Henry, Leonard and Bennett. After the death of his first wife he was married to Jennie Holm, by whom he has two children, Bertrice and Everett. John A. Ohnstad, clothing merchant and up-to-date men's haberdasher, of Cannon Falls, was born in Norway October 21, 1867, and came to America in 1875 with his parents, receiving his education in the common schools of Leon township and the Cannon Falls high school. For several years he worked in the clothing stores of B. Van Campen and C. R. Grebie & Co., and then entered the employ of Olson Brothers, subsequently going to Duluth with that concern. In 1896 he returned to Can- non Falls, clerked ten years for Henry Thompson and then pur- chased the business. He carries a large stock of goods, equal to that handled in many city stores, and enjoys an extensive trade in the city and surrounding country. He is a Republican in politics, has served on the park board, and belongs to the Lu- theran church. Mr, Ohnstad was married January 8, 1903, to Anna Underdahl, of Warsaw township, by whom he has three children, Myron, Olga and Ruth. Andrew E. and Seneva (Ryom) Ohnstad, parents of John A., came from Norway in 1875 and