Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1089

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 941 subsequently remaining on the home farm until 1904, with the exception of two years, 1900-02, which he spent on the Pacific coast. In 1904 he entered into partnership with the Messrs. El- lingboe and Austinson, in a general store at Dennison, where he now remains, he and Mr. Austinson having purchased the interest of Mr. Ellingboe. The firm has a large trade from the neighbor- ing country districts in both Rice and Goodhue counties, and, in addition to a general line of provisions and household necessities, carries a full stock of hardware and farm machinery. In addi- tion to this property Mr. Norsving has 160 acres of the old home- stead which he rents. He is a Republican in politics, and before being elected president of the council had served three terms as village assessor. June 4, 1903, he was married to Sadie Austin- son, daughter of Throud and Mary (Stiele) Austinson, who, after coming to America in 1851, lived in Wisconsin and Iowa, and in 1859 took up their residence on 240 acres in Warsaw, where they lived until 1907, when they retired and moved to Dennison village. In 1868 they took a long vacation and visited their old home in Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Norsving have been blessed with two children: Gudmund T. W., born September 28, 1905, and Bernice M., born September 29, 1907. The family faith is that of the Norwegian Lutheran church. G. K. and Bertha (Holien) Norsving, parents of John Edward, were born in Norway and in 1850 migrated to the United States. After living in Wisconsin and Iowa several years they came to Holden township, this county, and purchased 160 acres which they broke and improved, later adding eighty acres more, which was, however, subsequently disposed of. They retired in 1904 and now make their home in a pleasant residence in Kenyon. During his active life G. K. Norsving was at one time interested in a store in Tennessee, but this interest he later sold. The entire family is well esteemed throughout this section of the country. G. K. Norsving served in the legislature in 1872-3. He has also served as county com- missioner, township supervisor, clerk, treasurer, justice and assessor. T. O. Bonde, of Warsaw township, was born in Black Hammer township, Houston county, Minnesota, September 5, 1855, son of Ole T. and Mary G. (Riste) Bonde, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1848 and located in Wisconsin, where the father purchased forty acres of land, which he cleared and improved, remaining until 1855, when they removed to Houston county, Minnesota, residing there eight years. Then they went to Rice county, purchased eighty acres of land, built a home and other buildings necessary, and carried on general farming for twelve years, after which they sold and came to Warsaw township and bought 170 acres of land which the father improved, and carried