Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1094

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94G HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY sists of eighty acres of improved land and twenty-eight acres of timber. He has remodeled the outbuildings and built a new home, also making other general improvements. He was married in 1900 to Clarinda Anderson, daughter of C. J. and Ellen (Velan- der) Anderson, natives of Sweden, who came to America in the early days, settled in Cannon Falls township and engaged in farming. They are now retired and live in St. Paul. The father is an old Civil War veteran, having spent four years in the army. He enlisted in 1861 in Company D, Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, as a private, and was promoted to the rank of corporal a year later. He took part in all the battles of the campaign, and was discharged with the regiment. Mr. and Mrs. Vanberg have three children: Florence, Blanche and Hazel. Mr. Van- berg is Republican in his political views, has held the position of assessor for seven years and is at present town clerk. He is a member of the A. 0. U. W. at Cannon Falls, and he and his family attend the Swedish Lutheran church at Spring Garden. Joseph Persig was born in Hay Creek township, where he still resides. May 5, 1871, son of Gottleib and Catherine (Bauleg) Persig, natives of Germany, -who came to America in 1858 and settled in Hay Creek township, where they took up a homestead of 160 acres of land, which they broke and improved, and car- ried on general farming. When the war broke out the father enlisted and served three years. After the war he returned home and took up farming, having erected a home and outbuildings as well as making general improvements. He died in 1895, and the mother in 1897. Joseph was one of six children : Julia and Annie, who were both victims of the Sea Wing disaster; Lena, now of Noble county; William of Wacoota township; and Fred (deceased). Joseph attended the common schools of the town- ship and worked on the farm with his father, later coming into possession of the home place. In 1901 he was married to Freda Jones, by whom he has two children : Benjamin and Irene. Mr. Persig is Republican in his politics, but has never sought or held public office. P. J. Frenn, an estimable and well-known citizen and farmer of Featherstone township, was born in Sweden, June 5, 1843, son of Lars and Christina (Swanson) Frenn, who upon coming to America in 1852 settled in St. Charles, 111., where the father worked as a farm and stone mason about ten years. It was about 1864 when they came to Featherstone township and purchased the place which has since been the Frenn homestead. Here they lived for the remainder of their years, the father dying in No- vember. 1880. and the mother in September, 1874. P. J. Frenn received his education in the common schools and then took up farming on the home place, adding to the improvements which