Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1108

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9G0 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Vasa, and worked on the farm with his father until 1875, when he bought 160 acres of land in Murray county, which he broke and improved. In 1879 he sold this land, returned home and located in Belle Creek township, where he purchased 120 acres of land in Section 21. Here he built a home and other buildings, and has since carried on general and diversified farming, also raising horses, cattle and sheep. Mr. Monson was married August 4 28, 1878, to Mary Hobart, daughter of Peter and Inger Hobart, natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1872 and located in St. Peter, Minn., later remov- ing to Yasa township, and again removed to Murray county, where they bought eighty acres of land and carried on general and diversified farming until their death. Mr. and Mrs. Monson have been blessed with ten children: Agnes, now of St. Paul; Airs. A. V. Anderson, of Belli' Creek; Hilman, Harry, Andrew, Ksther, Edith and Mary X.. and Elizabeth and Edgar (deceased). Mr. Monson is a Republican in his politics. The family faith is that of the Lutheran church. Swan G. Jackson, of Belle » 'reek township, was born in Sweden December 2, 1870, son of John and Anna L. Jacobson, natives of Sweden, who emigrated to America in the spring of 1871, located in. Leon township, and after six months came to Belle Creek township ;iik1 purchased eighty acres of land/of which fourteen acres was improved and the rest all timber. This the father proceeded to clear, the family living in a dugout at first. As soon as they were able they built a home, barn and other build- ings, and carried on a general line of farming until the father died, in 1901. The mother still lives on the homestead with her son. Swan G. received liis education in the public schools of Belle Creek and worked on the farm with his father, and in 1904, at the death of his father, he took charge of the farm, carrying on general farming and dairying. Mr. Jackson is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the Good Templar's lodge, of which he has been Chief Templar for three years. He is secretary of the Belle Creek Creamery and of the Belle Creek Co-operative Mercantile Company, which office he has beld since their organization. He is also a stockholder of the Farmers' Elevator at Goodhue. Mr. Jackson has one brother, who is a farmer in Yasa. Ole O. Odden, of Belle Creek township, was born in Norway .March 15, 1835, and came to America in 1854, locating in Dane county, Wisconsin, where he remained six years. In 1860 he came to this county and purchased eighty acres in Belle Creek. To this he soon added eighty more, now owning a fine farm of 160 acres, and in addition a ten-acre timber traet. On this place he conducts general farming and raises horses and cattle. In