Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1120

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970 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUXTY attracting him, he came to Red Wing in 1860 and entered the employ of Friedrich & Hack. Some years later he went into business himself, under the firm name of Olson & Buseh, groceries and dry goods, the business continuing for eleven years. In 1875 Mr. Buseh left Red "Wing and engaged in the hardware busi- ness in Mankato, Minn., under the firm name of Meagher & Buseh. His exceptional qualities as a financier became well known and the position of cashier in the First National Bank was offered him. This position he held until he was called to a wider field of operation as cashier in the Goodhue County Bank, at Red Wing, through the inducement of his elder brother, Will- iam. Mr. Buseh in course of time became one of the directors, the largest stockholder and president of the bank, which posi- tion he held until compelled by ill health to resign, in 1906. Mr. Buseh was connected with the following enterprises : President of Goodhue County Bank, president of the La Grange Mills, director in Red Wing Union Stoneware Company, director in Red Wing Sewer Pipe Company, director in Red Wing Hat Com- pany, and director in Red Wing Cigar Company. Mr. Buseh was a heavy investor in farm lands in Goodhue and Pierce counties. He was a member of the German Roman Catholic Benevolent Society, of the Knights of Columbus, and of the Commercial Club. Mr. Buseh was a devout member of the Roman Catholic church and deeply interested in church work. He died January 27, 1908, leaving nine children : Joseph F., now Rev. J. F. Buseh, director of Mission Band of the archdiocese of St. Paul; Mary, now Ven. Sr. M. Hildegard of Sisters of Christian Charity; Fried- rich A., residing at Red Wing; Clement, residing at Bismarck, N. D. ; Francis, now with Jesuit Fathers, St. Louis, Mo., to be ordained three years hence ; Lucy, wife of Patrick W. McKasey, residing at Le Sueur. Minn. ; William, now Rev. William Buseh, assistant priest at St. Luke's church, St. Paul; Bernard, student at St. Paul Seminary ; Margaret, residing with her mother at St. Paul. Elias P. Lowater was born July 20, 1820, at Dunham, Canada, and in 18.11 came to Red Wing, where he opened a shoe store, afterward conducting a book, stationery and jewelry business where the St. James hotel now stands, which he sold to Rosen- bloom & Sheldon and engaged in the grocery business on the corner of Fourth street and West avenue. He took an active part in the affairs of the little settlement that he found here, and in his store was discussed the future greatness of the recently settled village. To Mr. Lowater, it is believed, belongs the credit for having proposed the introduction of the alley system, when the place was first platted and laid out. In politics he was a Republican, and held the office of postmaster in the early sixties.