Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1130

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980 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY his life work. In 1897 he also tried the livery business in Red Wing for a time, but again returned to the farm, where he has since remained. He belongs to the United Workmen and the Foresters and votes the Democratic ticket. Mr. Purdy was mar- ried in 1894 to Anna M. Ceder, daughter of Charles and Hannah (Ferrig) Ceder, who settled in this county in 1873, the father being now a retired shoemaker. To Mr. and Mrs. Purdy have been born five children, in the order named : Howard H., David AY. Myron C.. Dorothy M. and Evelyn A Thomas W. Lally, who, with John McXamara. is owner, pro- prietor and manager of the Lally & McXamara hardware store, in the village of Goodhue, was born in Red Wing October 9, 1859. and spent his boyhood in Belle Creek township, where he received his early education and remained until 1890, when he entered the employ of X. K. Simmons, of Red Wing, as a grain buyer, being located in Clay Bank and Goodhue. In 1901 he en- gaged in the hardware business with Charles E. Perkins and Andrew Chalmers, continuing this partnership until February, 1905. when the Perkins and Chalmers interests were purchased by John McXamara. since which time the present partnership has continued. The firm carries ;i full line of hardware, build- ing material, farming implements and wagons and carriages. The partners also conduct a tinning ami plumbing department in connection with their business. .Mr. Lally. who is an independent voter, served as assessor of Belle Creek seven years and has been assessor of Goodhue ten years. Being a man of sociable instincts, he belongs both to the United Workmen and the Com- mercial Club. On February :], 1890, he was married to Agnes M. Doyle, daughter of John and .Mary (Lyons) Doyle, who located in Belle Creek among the first settlers. Her father was killed by lightning in 1872, and her mother died in September, 1897. Eight children have blessed the Lally home. John "Will- iam, born February 22, 1891, is in the store with his father. Thomas YTalter, Jr., born January 16, 1893, is taking a course in the college at Prairie du Chien. The others, all of whom are at home, are : Mabel Ann, born January 13, 1895 ; Marie Agnes, born December 5, 1897 ; Gertrude Louise, born February 11, 1900 ; Florence Madeline, born January 6, 1902 ; Dorris Genevieve, born May 30, 1904, and Helen Luceil. born September 3, 1906. The family faith is that of the Catholic church. The parents of Thomas W 7 . Lally were John and Anna (Maloy) Lally, the former of whom, after coming to America from Ireland in 1846, lived in New York and Ohio for a time, and then located in Red Wing in 1856, working on a lime kiln until 1860, when he pur- chased eighty acres of land in Belle Creek and carried on general farming operations very successfully until his death, December