Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1133

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 983 Loftus, of Minneapolis; Elizabeth, wife of John O'Neal ; William, a farmer of Belle Creek township; John, who died in infancy; Sarah, now Mrs. Thomas O'Reilly, of Goodhue township; Charles, living on the old homestead; George Al.. a railroad agent, who died July IS. 1904; Henry, a railroad agenl a1 Bowman, X. D.; Anna, now .Mrs. Thomas McHugh, of Litchfield, Minn.; Edward, a farmer of Belle Creek; Theresa, now Mrs. Fred Hutchinson, of Featherstone ; Prank T.. the subject of this sketch; Joseph, who lives al home, and Benjamin, who also lives at home. All the members of the family are highly regarded in the respective com- munities wherein they reside. Edward L. Sudheimer, master mechanic for the local branch of the Great Western railroad, is a native of this state, born in Ramsey county, near St. Paul, April 21, 1878. His parents,

  • harles J. Sudheimer and Katherine Simons Sudheimer, natives

respectively of Germany and France, came to America in 1841) and settled in Carver county. Minnesota. There the father re- mained several years, engaged in the crockery business. In 1851 he came up the river with the intention of settling on the spot that is now Red Wing, but finding the Indians still in possession, he continued his trip up the river and took up his home in Ramsey county. He retired in December, 190-4, and both he and his wife now make their home in St. Paul. Edward L. received his educa- tion in the public and high schools, and his technical training in the University of Minnesota, where he took the course in me- chanical and electrical engineering. He worked two years for the Northern Pacific, then in 1900 entered the employ of the Great Western. March 1, 1908, he received his present appoint- ment and came to Red Wing. Mr. Sudheimer is a Mason and an Elk, and while at the University served as captain of the cadet corps. He was married, in October, 1907, to Charlotte Shipley, of St. Paul, daughter of Lewis and Catherine Shipley, the former of whom is a paving contractor in St. Paul. It is worthy of note that Mrs. Sudheimer 's grandfather, on her mother's side, was an admiral in the English navy. To Mr. and Mrs. Sudheimer has been born one son, Lewis, March 13, 1909. J. M. R. Olmstad, of Leon township, is a fine type of the edu- cated farmer, combining knowledge of farming operations with a goodly store of classical learning! He is a native product of this county, born in Leon township, September 29, 1874, son of R. J. and Perina (Otterness) Olmstad, natives of Norway, who located in Chicago in 1853. After remaining there three years they came to Red Wing, making the trip up the river aboard one of the old Mississippi steamboats. After looking about a short time they came to Leon township and homesteaded their present farm. At once upon their arrival here they put up a log