Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1145

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 993 Henry Edwin Larson, of Belle Creek township, was born April 29, 1872, in Belle Creek township, son of John and Hannah Eleffson, natives of Sweden. They came to America and took a homestead of eighty acres of land in Meeker county, Minne- sota, where they remained for two years, when they were forced to leave on account of the Indians. They came to Red "Wing for a short time and later removed to Belle Creek township, where he purchased eighty acres, which the father broke, cleared and improved, carrying on general farming until his death in 1882. The mother is still living and resides with her sons on the farm. Henry received his education in the public schools of Belle < 'reek and worked on the farm with his father, and in 1894 taking charge of the farm, he carries on a general line of farming, dairying and stock raising. He and his brother, 0. W., own 320 acres of land in Montana, which they are improving. Henry Edwin had three sisters: Anna, married Gustaf Warn, of Feath- erstone; Johanna, married Nels Munson (deceased) ; and Hattie, married Swan Warn, died February 1. 1909. Four brother^: John M. (deceased) ; Andrew, now of White Rock; Albert, now of Montana, and 0. AY., living at home. Mr. Larson is an inde- pendent voter, and is a member of the Swedish Lutheran church. Ernst Lueck was born in Pine Island township, January 20, 1880, son of August and Augusta (Zimmerman) Lueck, natives of Germany. They emigrated to this country in 1874, settling in Pine Island township, where they engaged in farming. In 1904 they retired and moved to Pine Island village, where they still reside. They had a family of four children : Louisa, Carl, Ernst and Mary. Ernst received his education in the common schools, and when his school days were over he worked on the farm with his father. He has now 185 acres of land, where he carries on a general line of farming and dairying. He has im- proved the place in many ways, and remodeled the buildings. In 1905 he was married to Elnora Glamm. They were farmers and lived in Pine Island, where they both died. Mr. and Mrs. Lueck have two children : Elmer and Leonard. Mr. Lueck is a Republican in his politics. John Luchan was born in Belvidere township, February 26. 1866, son of Mathias and Ellen (Riggies) Luchan, natives of Germany, who came to America in 1863 and located in Belvidere township, Goodhue county, Minnesota, where they purchased eighty acres of wild land which the father cleared and improved, remaining here a few years, after which he sold, and bought eighty acres in Section 10, same township, where he now resides. Here he built a home, barn for his stock and other buildings necessary. In 1900 he purchased 160 acres of improved land, making 240 acres in all. He has retired and lives with their sons.