Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1162

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1010 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Minneapolis "Journal"; George C. is civil engineer for the city of Portland, Ore.; Fred G., living at Minneapolis, is a mail clerk on the Milwaukee railroad; Ernest, married, is a painter in .Minneapolis; Florence G. lives at borne, and Harry is (had. Joseph Huneke was born in Westphalia, Germany, September 3, 1854, son of Joseph and Mary Huneke, natives of Germany, where the mother still lives. Joseph received his education in Germany, and came to America in 1874, locating in Goodhue county, Minnesota, where he took up farming on a farm consist- ing of 120 acres of land in Hay Creek township, which he im- proved and built all the outbuildings himself, and where he has carried on general farming and dairying for the past thirty years, also working part of the t ime as carpenter. He has eighty acres under cultivation and lias a tine home. Mr. Huneke was married in L879 to Mary Koester, daughter of William Koester, who was one of the early settlers in Hay Creek township: he came from Germany and engaged m farming. Mr. and Airs. Huneke have eighl children : Theresa, Theodore, who is a farmer of Hay ('reek township; Annie. Prank, Christine. William, Peter and Bernard, all of whom arc a1 home. Mr. Huneke is an inde- pendent voter, and has been supervisor for the past five years, also roadmaster. In L905 .Air. Huneke paid a visit to his mother in Germany, returning three months Later. He is a member of the Suns (if Herman, and he and his family are members of the ( 'atholic church in Red Wing. Ole A. Haugen, of Warsaw township, was born in Holden township, September 23, L865, son of Albert and Susan (Bjora- kert Haugen. natives n' Norway, who came to America in 1855, settling in Holden township, where they purchased 160 acres of land, which Hie father broke and cleared, and bliilt a house of logs, engaging in general farming. Later lie purchased 140 acres, and again 165 acres in Warsaw township. He retired in 1903, and the mother died in 1904. Ole A. received his educa- tion in the public schools of Holden, and worked at home on the farm until 1889. He then purchased the 165 acres in Warsaw township, belonging to his father, and engaged in general farm- ing and raising of horses and stock. All his land can be culti- vated. On October 17, 1889, he was married to Martha Broin, daughter of Jens K. and Guri Broin, of AVanamingo, who came to America from Norway in 1862, locating in AVanamingo town- ship, where they engaged in farming on 160 acres of land, to which they have added until they own over 600 acres. They retired July 13, 1908, but still reside on the homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Haugen have had six children: Ida Sophia, John G., Albion N., Helen A., Otilda M., all living at home, and Clifford,